

發佈時間:2019-11-07 13:58:55

年度熱門Q版魔幻策略手遊《榮耀遠征:Journey To Glory》即將與各位召喚師見面!目前遊戲除了可以使用App Store和Google Play支付外,還支援第三方儲值方式哦!

The popular strategy mobile game "榮耀遠征: Journey To Glory" will meet with the summoners! At present, the game can pay with app store and Google play, the game also supports third-party pay!
The currently supported third-party pay are:  Mycard點數卡、Mycard會員扣點、手機/市話/寬頻、信用卡、WebATM、八達通、PPS繳費靈、Visa、PayPal  , etc.

儲值方法 Third-party pay method:

Step 1:
【方式一:IOS&GP包第三方儲值方法 / IOS&GP third-party pay method】


Go to the official website and use the existing role  FB or GP account to complete the login.    

【方式二:APK包第三方儲值方法 / APK third-party pay method】  


In the game diamond store interface, after clicking any item, it will automatically jump to the  official website; then use the existing role FB or GP account to complete the login.  

Step 2: 按提示選取角色信息與支付方式/Follow the prompts to select role information and payment method

Step 3: 選取心儀商品項/Choose the item u like

Step 4: 點擊前往儲值/Click  the button 'pay'


Step 5: 登入Mycard會員/Login to Mycard

Step 6: 確認訂單信息并完成支付即可/  Confirm the bill information and complete the payment.

注:目前IOS、GP和APK包的第三方支付,只支持 購買鑽石、月卡和周卡等幾類商品;遊戲中的其它限時禮包需要走App Store和Google Play支付哦!

For more exciting information, please pay attention to the official facebook fan page or official platform  website to view!


facebook fan page:

》》》榮耀遠征:Journey To Glory 粉絲團《《《  


》》》榮耀遠征:Journey To Glory 粉絲團《《《